5 Reasons You Should Eat Sitting Down!
Do you find yourself eating when you are driving, feeding the children, in the kitchen,cooking, working, on the phone, at your work desk, out and about etc.
Well that is exactly what people do isn’t it?
We need to be in a relaxed state (not a busy state) a relaxed state when we eat.
And you can get into that state more easily when you are sitting down. If however you stand up to eat you are more likely to eat at a faster rate and therefore overeat, as your brain hasn’t had time to register your food intake a survey found.
So what are the advantages of sitting down to eat?
There are many:
1. We can better digest our food - have you ever noticed when we are stressed or angry or upset that we just don’t feel like eating - even though we had been hungry its because you need to be in a relaxed state to eat otherwise you won't digest food properly, which can lead to a host of other problems.
2. It stops you from overeating, - sitting down helps your brain register that you’ve eaten, so you are less likely to overeat - so sit down and savor every morsel and enjoy your food, if you do that at every meal you are unlikely to overeat.
However you should not be doing anything else whilst sitting down like watching TV, using your smart phone or on your laptop!.
3 Your mind registers that you’ve eaten when you take the time to eat in a relaxed state by sitting down. Hunger hormones can take anywhere between 20 to 30 minutes to get to your brain, so if you eat quickly (which is more likely to happen when standing up, rather than sitting down) you'll be more likely to eat more.
Did you know that our mind registers 30% more food consumption when we are sitting down to when we are standing or doing something else?
4 Food is more easily absorbed when you are sitting down so for optimal digestion it’s best. It also signals to the brain that we’re not in a rush, not doing multiple tasks and are more relaxed.
This is essential if you want your body to clearly signal to you that you have eaten enough.
5 It allows for healing and rejuvenation to take place. - See my Challenge below……
If you can’t sit down to eat, wait until you can. If you are feeling stressed take a few breaths before eating.
I Challenge You To Look at Eating Differently…...Make Eating a Pleasurable Experience
Use Your Sight: Look at your food and savor the colors and the beauty of what has come from the earth, the rain and the sun.
Use Your Sense of Smell - Have you smelled your food, if not bring it up to your nose and inhale, see what it smells like
Use Your Sense of Touch - What is the texture of the food? Of your knife, fork or spoon? Feel the napkin on your lap.
Look at Your Environment - ask yourself - What environment am I creating for myself when I eat? Is my table set out? Does it have place-mats, candles, favorite china or a tablecloth? What type of glasses am I drinking from crystal goblet instead of glass?
When you eat a meal, you are eating your environment as well! That’s why eating whilst doing something else like driving or eating on the run can feel so stressful.
Turn off email and computers and phones whilst eating - make your meal a special time - just for you.
Look at the Texture of Your Food • Chew your food for about 30 chews - notice the texture of the food, let yourself breathe whilst chewing, put your knife and fork down too.
Self-Care - Pamper Yourself - You might think “But it’s just me - why would I go to all this trouble of having a beautiful meal?” That’s a great question! But we ask in return “Who better to treat so luxuriously and lovingly than yourself?”